Consider becoming a NJAAPT board member
We have lost a few board members due to retirements and relocations, so we are looking to recruit more Physics educators who want to promote the profession and help their colleagues in NJ. Plus, it's good Professional Development and a unique Professional Learning Community! Don't let travel distance be an issue -- we can and do meet via Skype when needed.
We have "at-large" (unelected) general board members, plus elected officers. The board meets ~7-8 times per year to plan events and deal with running the organization.
You don't have to "know it all" to be a board member -- just bring your ideas, talents, and enthusiasm!
If you are interested in being on the Board, just checking it out, or have questions, contact Jim Ferrara ( ).
Board Officer Elections will take place this Spring -- more information will follow soon. The NJAAPT Executive Board includes:
President: The "face" of the organization, main contact person, presides over meetings, oversees operation of organization.
Vice-President: Assist President/Board by assuming a leadership role in meetings/events, and leads in absence of the President.
Treasurer: Fiduciary responsibility for NJAAPT. Facilitates payments related to membership, events, and for maintaining the organization.
Secretary: Documentation of meetings, events; communications, archiving information for the section.
Members At-Large: Unelected board members who assist with planning and facilitating events, as well as help in running the organization (ex: website, etc.).
Quick & Easy Demo: The Screaming / Chicken Cup
A cup and a string make for some interesting sounds.
The screaming cup
Chicken in a cup -- Some variations include using buttons instead of the paper clip, or a small piece of sponge can be threaded onto the string. Dampen the sponge to make the chicken sounds.
Or two cups attached with a long string make a low-tech "telephone". It's interesting that many kids have never done the cup telephone activity before!
Don't have clickers? Use Plickers.
This is a free program in which teachers can make formative assessments using printed answer sheets and a smartphone. Students are issued a printed answer sheet to keep, each with a unique figure. They orient the figure to indicate their (A,B,C,D) answer, and the teacher records the responses on a smartphone app, similar to scanning a QR code. The results can be projected from the program for class discussion.
To Think About: Temperature Conversion Formula
We all know the formula: °C = 5/9(°F-32) or °F = 1.8°C+32.
Here's a different method--quicker, easier, no fractions and parentheses! But the question is: why does this work?
°C to °F: Add 40, divide by 0.55555, then subtract 40
°F to °C: Add 40, multiply by 0.55555, then subtract 40
(to remember: when going to metric, °F, divide)
100°C = ___ °F
Add 40 = 140; Divide by 0.55555 = 252.0, Subtract 40 = 212°F
32° F = ____°C
Add 40 = 72, Multiply by 0.55555 = 40.0, Subtract 40 = 0° C
Try this new method, and compare the to the usual conversion formula.
It works. Why?
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Answer from last newsletter "To Think About":
RoadTrip Math Ray drove 20 miles more than Tom.
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Just For Fun: