What's Happening for Physics Teachers in the NJ area

NJAAPT Newsletter

December 2019

Greetings NJAAPT Members-

As we move toward the winter solstice and the end of 2019, NJAAPT would like to wish you and your families a safe, bright and merry holiday season, and a happy New Year! We have some opportunities for professional development in the works, so be sure to check them out and hopefully you can join us!

NJAAPT's John Valente hosted a great tour of the Manhattan Bridges on November 23rd. Many thanks to John and to all who attended! See a synopsis and some photos from this event below.

Register now for NJAAPT's annual Physics Olympics! There are two locations (Monmouth Regional High School and Washington Twsp Regional High School) to bring your teams to compete on Saturday, January 18th. We need a few more teams to register at the South Jersey location in Sewell! 

We are in the process of planning a Demo Show at Bergen County Institute of Technology for sometime in February. Keep your eyes open for the invite!

As always, we are looking for workshop ideas and teachers and schools who can host a workshop.  NJAAPT can help with organizing and publicizing workshops -- we need YOU and your ideas to make them happen. Also consider having a sharing session for teachers in your local area, for sharing ideas, asking questions, etc.  NJAAPT can help you with that!

Consider contributing to the Physics Teacher profession by being part of the Executive Board.  The next meeting is January 22nd, at Rutgers.  You don't need to be Einstein, it is not a huge time commitment, and you will be helping other Physics teachers. Anyone is welcome!

Your NJAAPT Executive Board



Upcoming Events

January 2020

1/18/20   Physics Olympics North & South

1/18-1/21 AAPT Winter Meeting

Orlando, FL

February 2020

TBA   Demo Show

Bergen County Institute of Tech

April 2020

4/4/20  Spring Meeting,  Princeton


Plan Ahead -- Ideas

Consider attending the AAPT Winter National Meeting.  It is in sunny Orlando, Florida this year from January 18-21.

Register for the NJAAPT Physics Olympics, which will be held in two different locations on January 18, 2020.

Recent Physics News

Motion of the Planets Puts a Limit on Graviton's Mass

Einstein predicted that gravitational fields had an infinite reach, which would necessitate a massless gravity particle.  Some quantum gravity theories suggest that the graviton might have a small mass.

Can We Peek at Schrodinger's Cat Without Killing It?

A study published in the October issue of the New Journal of Physics describes a way to observe quantum systems without affecting the outcome.

Artificial Glaciers Growing in the Desert

A mechanical engineer fights climate change in Northern India by building artifical "glaciers."


On a beautiful Fall day, 15 High School physics teachers participated in the NJAAPT sponsored workshop "The Bridges of New York Harbor".   Aboard the Blue Sea, the Marine Academy of Science & Technology's (MAST) research vessel, the participants visited all the major NYC bridges.  John Valente, a physics teacher at the Marine Academy,  presented the engineering design and history of the bridges to the group.The participants also had the opportunity to have a photo opp at the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge. Of special interest was visiting the Manhattan Bridge.  Designed by the same engineer, Leon Moisseiff, who also designed the Tacoma Narrows bridge (Washington State) and the Whitestone bridge (NYC).  All three bridges had vibrational concerns.  Fortunately, only the Tacoma collapsed. The participants discussed the causes of these vibrational problems and some of the engineering solutions implemented to correct these concerns for the Whitestone bridge..  Special thanks to Marty Plage, caption of the Blue Sea and to Monmouth County Vocational School District that allowed NJAAPT to use the MAST's research vessel to conduct the trip.

The Physics Phunnies
