Free Coding Resources from Girls Who Code + $300 Clubs Fund!

31 Jan 2020 10:00 AM | Anonymous

Free Coding Resources from Girls Who Code + $300 Clubs Fund!

Girls Who Code, an international nonprofit working to close the gender gap in technology, offers free coding resources to New Jersey physics teachers.  There is no risk, no cost and no computer science experience is required. You can then claim $300 from our Clubs fund for snacks, field trips or equipment. We offer free t-shirts too! Our free coding curriculum can be used during the school day in class as an elective supplemental resource or as part of another after school club, such as a physics club or as a resource for physics competitions. Code can be used for physics equations in Java, to create simulations using C++, Python and Java graphics, using Raspberry Pi for physics simulations and more.  There are hundreds of schools and organizations in New Jersey using our free resources and we would love to have more physics teachers join our Clubs community. If you would like more information, please contact Girls Who Code’s NJ representative, Eve Balick at eve.balick@girlswhocode.com.

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