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  • Physics Film Fiesta / Holiday Party

Physics Film Fiesta / Holiday Party

  • 08 Dec 2017
  • 6:00 PM
  • Princeton University Room A-10 Jadwin Hall


  • Friday 12/8/17 6-9 pm
    Princeton University Room A-10 Jadwin Hall

    Holiday get-together for Physics Teachers. Includes pizza, give-aways, auction items, "green table" and meeting with other Physics Teachers!

Registration is closed

Physics Film Fiesta / Holiday Party

Friday December 8 , 2017   6 -9 pm   

Princeton University   Room A-10   Jadwin Hall

We're making a change to our usual Holiday Treats event.

This year, we will be having a Holiday get-together for Physics Teachers which will feature some fun Physics films/videos.

There will be pizza, give-aways, auction items, and the "green table", plus meeting and talking with other Physics teachers in NJ.

[the "green table" is where teachers bring items (books, equipment) that they do not need/use, to give away to other teachers who may want them.  This is a great way to re-use, recycle resources, and contribute to other teachers].

This event is FREE, but please register in advance (on the Home page) by Nov 30, so we have a headcount for food, etc.  This event is open to NJAAPT members + guests.

We hope to see you all there.  It will be a lot of fun.  Events with Physics teachers are always fun!

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