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  • 2025 NJ Physics Olympics --- South Jersey

NOTE:  Our system uses PayPal to process the credit card payments.  As a result, you will see a screen to offer you the option to pay through a PayPal accout. 

However, you do not have to login to PayPal to process your registration!

You will also see an option to use a personal credit card to pay for the event registration.  

2025 NJ Physics Olympics --- South Jersey

  • 25 Jan 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Timber Creek High School, 501 Jarvis Rd, Sicklerville, NJ 08081; Park/Enter on Right side of Bldg

We look forward to your school's participation at this event.  The competition is a lot of fun and your students will meet, share experiences, and compete with other students from other high schools in New Jersey.

This is for the NJ Olympics South Jersey at Timber Creek High School (Camden County)

Light morning refreshments will be provided.

This year's events are: 

  1. FERMI QUESTIONS: To estimate the order of magnitude of a quantity that is difficult or impossible to measure.
  2. PAPER TOWERBuild a freestanding tower as tall as possible.
  3. TARGET DROP: To hit a target with a horizontally launched steel marble.
  4. GYRO BALANCE: To balance a spinning gyroscope on a string for the longest amount of time.
  5. GRAVITY VEHICLE: To design and build a vehicle that uses only the energy from a falling mass to move itself along a track stopping as close as possible to the wall.
  6. HOOKED CARTESIAN DIVER: Design and build HOOKED Cartesian divers to retrieve different types of hooked sinkers in the least amount of time.

Detailed rules for all events and the media release forms can be found on the website under the "Events / Physics Olympics 2025" section.   Link here.

To ask questions about the rules, go to the "Forum" section of the website (Top menu/Forum).  Link here.

  • To receive replies via email from the forum, you must “subscribe” to the forum.  
  • It is the team’s responsibility to periodically check in or inquire about changes and clarifications to the rules.
  • Note – the deadline for submitting questions about individual events is mid-November (11/19).  After that date, questions cannot be addressed due to committee meeting dates/holidays.

Please print Media Release forms for students/parents to sign and bring signed forms to the competition.  Winning teams are photographed.  Students with release forms will be included in the photographs of winning teams.  Forms can be printed out from rules page.

Registration info:

The teacher signing up must be a NJAAPT member.   (Go to njaapt.org to join or renew membership).

If you are interested in spectating without bringing students, you can register yourself, with no teams (you must be a NJAAPT member to register).

Each school can bring up to 3 teams for South Jersey. Each team can consist of up to 6 students.  Students are not permitted to switch teams. Extra students ("cheerleaders", classmates, etc.) are not permitted.

Each team that you bring must be registered and paid for as a "Guest".     (2 teams = 2 guests;  a team = 1-6 students).   

Early Registration:   $30 per team  (on or before Nov. 30). 

Regular Registration:  $40 per team  (Nov. 30 - Jan 5) 

Final registration deadline:   Jan 5

All teams must be registered and paid in advance.  

There will be no on-site registration.

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