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  • March Cracker Barrel

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However, you do not have to login to PayPal to process your registration!

You will also see an option to use a personal credit card to pay for the event registration.  

March Cracker Barrel

  • 19 Mar 2025
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Reply to the invitation email with evidence of section membership outside of New Jersey to receive a registration code.


Between the scarcity of holidays and the looming testing season(s), March always feels like the longest month of the teaching year. This year, there are several events in and around March. Are you going to the Fluids & Desmos workshop on the 1st or the Spring Dinner meeting on the 7th? Stop in at the Cracker Barrel and tell everyone about it! Planning to go to the Ring Fling workshop on April 5th? How are you planning to use the Ring Flinger in your teaching?

NOTE THE TIME! (No purchase required. No homework will be collected. There will not be a quiz on this. None of this material will be on the test. Attendance will be taken.)

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