WORKSHOP: GRADING & ASSESSMENT PRACTICES, + MAKE & TAKE Saturday June 2, 2018 Washington Twp HS, Sewell NJ (Gloucester County) |
Three Make & Take items were made, and an inquiry session about grading was held. 1. A Resonance Demonstrator (courtesy of Denise Merrill) 2. A Zube Tube -- You can't buy these anymore! They go for $40+ on eBay ! (Nancy Michaelsen) 3. The 1-2-3 Mirror Demo -- a series of demos using 1-3 plane mirrors, to study reflections, cube corner mirrors, and more! There was an overview/inquiry about Grading & Assessment Practices. We improve our objectives, methods, use of technology -- why don't we ever examine how we grade and why ?!? |
Below are some references to help teachers think about their grading practices.
Good food for thought! Resources / References Article "Every Decision Counts" (handout at workshop) GRADING Re-thinking Multiple Choice grading -- See article for “Every Decison Counts” -- an interesting way to think about and score your MC-type questions. “Unhelpful Grading Practices” parts 1, 2, 2.5, 3 (unusual numbering there) – blog posting http://blog.msbethea.com/?cat=19
https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/uncomfortable-truth-about-grading-practices http://neatoday.org/2016/08/04/no-zero-policy-pro-con/ https://les.psdschools.org/webfm/623 toxic grading practices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jduiAnm-O3w http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov11/vol69/num03/toc.aspx https://www.edutopia.org/blog/do-no-harm-flexible-smart-grading-andrew-miller
ASSESSMENTS Harry Wong recordings/videos – discusses criterion-referenced tests, among other things (one source here: https://www.films.com/ecTitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=29957 ) Read about “Criterion-Referenced” vs “Norm-Referenced” testing. Read about “Formative” and “Summative” assessments. Read about “Diagnostic” assessments. http://diagnoser.com/ website to help students diagnose difficulties in learning science/ math Assessment for learning https://www.educateiowa.gov/pk-12/student-assessment/formative-assessment https://educationcloset.com/2017/07/01/types-assessment-learning/ STANDARDS-BASED GRADING (SBG) -- not part of workshop, but there's some interesting reading. Here’s some info about “Standards-Based Grading” (SBG). This could be an entire workshop in itself. Even if you don’t adopt SBG, you can incorporate some of its ideas and practices into your own system, if they fit with what you want to accomplish. I have to thank these teacher/bloggers, because they have made me really think and question grading practices. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Think Thank Thunk by Shawn Cornally http://shawncornally.com/wordpress/?page_id=114 http://shawncornally.com/wordpress/?p=3 Action-Reaction Blog by Frank Noschese https://fnoschese.wordpress.com/category/standards-based-grading-2/ Physics! Blog! By Kelly O’Shea https://kellyoshea.blog/standards-based-grading/ Physics in Flux by Dan Fullerton http://aplusphysics.com/flux/sbg/a-better-feedback-and-assessment-system/ Always Formative by Jason Buell http://alwaysformative.blogspot.com/p/standards-based-grading-implementation.html MetAmusings by Matt Townsley http://mctownsley.blogspot.com/2015/05/what-is-standards-based-grading-aka.html Teaching|Chemistry by Ms. Bethea http://blog.msbethea.com/?cat=15 Adventures with the Lower Level By Tracie Schroeder http://adventureswiththelowerlevel.blogspot.com/search/label/Standards%20Based%20Grading Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere by Sam Shah https://samjshah.com/tag/standards-based-grading-sbg/ Adventures of a Science Modeler http://physicsmodeler.blogspot.com/2014/07/standards-based-grading-primer.html SuperFly Physics https://arundquist.wordpress.com/2015/07/08/homework-in-standards-based-grading/