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  • Regional AAPT Meeting Nov 16 & 17, 2018

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Regional AAPT Meeting Nov 16 & 17, 2018

  • 16 Nov 2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • 17 Nov 2018
  • 5:00 PM
  • Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ

Note: There are 5 registration options for Friday, Saturday, the PTRA Saturday workshop, or combinations of these. Look carefully at your chosen option and cost ! Students have 3 registration options.

Registration is closed

Regional AAPT Meeting

NJAAPT is pleased to host the Regional AAPT Meeting for Physics Teachers in the New Jersey / New York / New England / Long Island / Southeast Pennsylvania section areas.

Events include:  Guest Speakers, Poster sessions, Presentations, Workshops, and weather permitting, some Solar Observatory time.  Plus, it's a great opportunity to meet Physics teachers from the region, share ideas, and be part of a larger Professional Learning Community.

Dates:      November 16 & 17, 2018

Location:   Bergen Community College,  Paramus, NJ -- Technology Building

Directions and Campus map here       (Technology Building is #18 on map, near Lot B-- building entrance is near "Lot B- G11" sign;  park in Lot B-no permit needed)

Friday November 16, 2018     Dinner Meeting, Speaker, Poster sessions

5:30-6:00 Check-in
6:00-7:00  Poster session viewing, Dinner
7:00-8:00  Guest Speaker:  Bob Goodman, NJCTL
        "Physics for All:  How and Why?" 
8:00-9:00  Observatory viewing, weather permitting
Saturday November 17, 2018   
7:45-8:15       Check-in, Coffee/Bagels, etc.
8:15-8:25       Welcome, Introduction
8:30-10:05     Presentations (4 parallel sessions) 
A.M. Schedule of Presenters.pdf
A.M. Presentations + Posters -- Abstracts.pdf

Complete listing of all (AM and PM) scheduled presentations and abstracts below:

Schedule of Presenters.pdf

Regional Meeting - Abstracts.pdf

Posters only - Abstracts

10:15-11:15   Guest Speaker:  Mark Woods, AFTAC (Air Force) "Forensic Seismology and Nuclear Explosions"
11:20-12:00   Demo Show-- John Johnston  
12:00-12:45   Lunch 
12:00-1:30     Solar Viewing in the Observatory --
Spend a few minutes at the BCC Solar Observatory.  (The time has been rescheduled earlier, due to observatory availability and the angle of the sun).  Stop in and take a look at our nearest star!
12:45-1:55     Presentations (3 parallel sessions)  

P.M. Schedule of Presenters.pdf

P.M. Presentations + Posters -- Abstracts.pdf

2:00-5:00       Workshops - see descriptions below.
Afternoon workshops:  There are 4 afternoon workshop events.  You may move from one to another, except the PTRA workshop which requires prior registration.
2:00 - 5:00  Make & Take workshops (does not take full 3 hrs).  Make 2 demos to take back to your classroom.
2:00- 5:00   Project Accelerate workshop  -- BYOD (Bring your own device - laptop, tablet, etc. -- workshop involves looking at software.  WiFi will be available).

2:00-5:00  PTRA Workshop (prior registration /payment required)   "Topics from Modern Physics:  Quantum Computing and Gravitational Waves".  

PTRA Workshop - The PTRA (Physics Teachers Resource Agents) group from AAPT will be conducting an optional 3-hour workshop Saturday afternoon entitled, "Topics from Modern Physics:  Quantum Computing and Gravitational Waves" .  If you wish to attend, it is an additional $30 on the meeting registration.   This PTRA workshop will focus on activities that lead students (and teachers !)  to an understanding of quantum computing and gravitational waves, using materials from the Perimeter Institute and Quantum Computing Institute.   Sounds intriguing !    Cost is $30 per participant for the 3- hour workshop.  Workshop leaders are Steve Henning and Alice Flarend.  General info about the PTRA group here.

Registration Cost:        

No on-site registrations.  Final deadline to register is  Nov. 12 (deadline extended).

Friday Evening Dinner + Speaker, Poster sessions  

$15   ($10 early registration by Oct 15)

Saturday:    Presentations, Speakers, Demo show, & more...TBA.

$35   ($30 early registration by Oct 15)

PTRA afternoon workshop Saturday    (info below)

$30   (in addition to Saturday registration)

Professional Development hours will be provided by NJAAPT.

Payment in advance required.

If using school invoice, please pay in advance, and a refund will be sent to you when your school check has been received.

Questions about the event?  contact Nancy at hhsphysics (at) comcast.net

Note to registrants from outside of New Jersey:

When you register, you will be asked for email / contact information.  You are not required to join NJAAPT as a member (unless you want to !).  This contact information allows for us to send updates or other information about the event via email, or by phone if the email fails.

After you register and input your email / contact information, you will receive an email with a random password to access your account.  You can log in to change your password and change email preferences (so you don't get NJAAPT email blasts about other events).

Your information will not be used in any way, other than to contact you regarding the regional meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Kaplan at dkaplan (at) marsd.org


To register as a student, you must be a full-time student in Physics/Physics Education.  This must be verified through your email, and contact with your university advisor.

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